5 ways to boost Knowledge Management with your LMS

Knowledge is power. Currently, it’s one of the most important and valuable assets.

Many organizations already understand the importance of knowledge to add value to their operations but still have difficulties applying knowledge to their daily activities. Frequently, that happens because they still don’t use Knowledge Management in all its potential yet.

Evolution of corporate knowledge

Until very recently, knowledge generated inside an organization came solely from its employees. The figure of a person as the “walking memory” of a certain operation was common and highly valued.

This sort of knowledge remains fundamental for the competitive advantage, but it can be leveraged. When an organization documents and shares such knowledge with more people, it’s possible to start new cycles of value generation.

Knowledge Management originates from the organization’s culture and it becomes reality through its processes, through the attitude of its employees, and in its way of doing business. Knowledge Management systems such as LMSs (Learning Management Systems) can leverage value generation cycles.

LMSs expand the reach of organizational culture and, consequently, ensure that processes, attitudes, and ways of doing business are optimal to their fullest potential.

This is when the importance of a culture of Knowledge and Learning Management having an LMS as support becomes apparent. It’s fairly common for a company to purchase an LMS and a course library thinking that this will fix their training problems.

However, it’s necessary to go beyond that; it’s necessary to strengthen a culture of learning. Analyzing the situation will allow you to dive into an understanding of your organization’s knowledge base. With this understanding, you’ll be able to apply that knowledge in a practical, effective and systematized manner inside the corporate environment.


Integration between Knowledge Management and LMS

Many managers understand the gains with continuing education; it enables the perpetuation and constant improvement of the organization’s knowledge base. However, learning does not always take place effectively, even with major investments in education.

One of the commonest causes of this problem is the use of an LMS merely as a support for delivering content. In fact, an LMS is a powerful management platform with features that extend way beyond delivery.


5 ways to boost Knowledge Management with your LMS

  1. Generation of knowledge

The LMS increases the level of interactivity in your courses, allowing real-time updates, easy inclusion of new course contents and execution of practical and theorical activities, among others. All of these promote the sharing of knowledge, which, in turn, leads to the generation of new knowledge and the acquisition of new skills by your team.

  1. Knowledge organization

All aspects of the course can be managed via LMS. For example, it’s possible to input information from managerial reports and metrics generated by the LMS in the strategic plan. That may contribute to obtaining better analyses of incurred costs, planning of future investments, studies about efficacy and affinity, identification of learning gaps, etc.

Additionally, it’s possible to organize themed libraries, creating a freely accessible environment for employees where continuing professional development is cherished and encouraged.

  1. Knowledge distribution

Quick and simplified access to all course contents – from the course framework to managerial reports. The LMS allows unprecedented integration and distribution of knowledge. These features leverage the acquisition of knowledge and highlight training objectives.

Consequently, all such transparency in dealing with information reverts to appreciation and motivation among your employees.

  1. Knowledge application

Purpose transforms knowledge into value. On the LMS, you’ll be able to play games and perform other interactive activities in several different formats. As a result, there are gains in knowledge acquisition, increase in engagement, promotion of best practices, positive reinforcement of good attitudes and positive behaviors, and the development of new skills.

Such set of results naturally leads to the consolidation of a new corporate culture in which knowledge makes room for transformative ideas and behaviors.

  1. Knowledge assessment

The LMS offers complete, detailed reports on learners’ performances. This is one of the main challenges faced by training managers: assessing efficacy of what’s done. It’s even possible to go beyond and create real-time feedback spaces and forums for course assessment.

All such information can be used so that managers can monitor their investments, optimize their allocations, and adjust their efforts to the actual needs of their teams – identified based on clear, objective information.

Knowledge is power. But only when adequately mapped, multiplied, and shared.

Make your corporate education courses more effective and bring transformative results to your organization by integrating Knowledge Management to your LMS.

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