
your team

we create digital learning experiences so
you can upgrade your team’s skills

We are an education company that mobilizes technologies to build live knowledge, aligned with our clients’ goals.

We count with a multidisciplinary team that is passionate about educational technologies. Professionals from different areas (Education, Human Resources, Arts, Publicity, Languages, Digital Medias, Sociology, Psychology, Radio and TV, Journalism, Information Systems, Electronic…) focused on working with the development of LMS platforms, online courses, training and distance learning (DL).


In order to apply online training programs, it is necessary to count with a robust platform that allows the application of different educational resources and to build follow-up metrics to monitor the participants. To accomplish that, we took Moodle to the next level with the customization of the browsing experience, gamification and a powerful business intelligence tool.

state-of-the-art infrastructure

We are consulting partners for Amazon Webservices, the most secure, complete and robust global cloud computing platform. We have experience in creating specialized system architectures for 24/7 multiuser use, offering maximum performance

all that with your company’s identity

In order to maintain the sense of unity in your business, as well as to make the learning curve even smoother, we personalize our tools according to your company’s corporate identity.

Clients served
Active users
Years in the market

2production of digital content

We offer the most appropriate technologies so that your content is understood in a practical and fast way. Highlights include video creation, elearning and gamification.

See below for more details on these specialized content for training


It is the use of game dynamics for interaction in courses. This solution makes learning lighter and more attractive. Trainings can be developed only with this resource or incorporated into other types of educational solutions.



It is a self-learning solution that gathers multimedia and teaching resources, indicated to develop informational content, manuals, concepts and processes. Using motion-graphics – animations that mix design and cinema items, using ludic resources displayed in synchrony with the voice narration Therefore, it is possible to explain various processes levels in a simple and efficient manner.


engagement &

In the implementation phase of the learning programs it is absolutely necessary to offer motivational support to the students, in a continuous manner, during the entire training period. That is what makes it possible to overcome the lack of self-learning culture and lack of focus by the students, which still is very frequent in the academic and business worlds.



The Tutoring functions are focused in answering the questions the participants have about the specific study subject. The Tutor actions promote and enrich discussions, as well as respond the doubts of the participants related to the study subject. Finally, the Tutor also compiles the main reflections made in the forums to serve as future reference of best practices.


The monitoring executes a series of proactive actions to promote the participation of the students in the online activities. These motivational actions take place through the submission of e-mails and/or phone contacts with the participants that show declining level of online course participation.

Reports with engagement metrics

Monitor your classes closely, using powerful reports:

  • ACTIVATION: have your employees been accessing the platform?
  • ENGAGEMENT: are they taking the courses
  • PERFORMANCE: how are they doing?


Test-Fi warrants the credibility of your examination process through validation of the candidate’s ID and surveillance of their behavior during the test. Eliminate all high costs involved in the execution of on-site tests.

Advantages of Test-Fi:

  • More credibility in the examination process.
  • No expenses on logistics and equipment for on-site tests.
  • Accessibility to students who live in remote areas.
  • Reduced time for inputting grades and issuing certificates.

talk to us before starting your project

Are you looking for a solution to further empower your team? Contact us using the form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


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